The Storms Obsession

This blog is a simple story about Dylan Broke and Lucy Burb from The Sims 2. I hope you enjoy.

Location: Australia

Friday, February 17, 2006

Chapter 2 - The Tip of the Iceberg

Dylan had shared a house with Beau while at uni. Well, in truth, with Beau and about 8 others but we will get into that a little later. Their first day on campus Beau had spotted Claire from a thousand students and like a match made in heaven, they were together by the end of day heading out on their first romantic date. Well, as romantic as a uni campus can be. They have never had a day apart since.

Claire is alot of fun and as thin as a rake. No matter what the girl eats, she never seems to put on any weight. Most people would mind a perfect stranger moving into your dorm house, but no one minded Claire. Which was lucky because after her first date with Beau, she stayed. Never left except to collect her things from her dorm room. Generally though, where you find Beau, Claire is never far behind and vice versa.

As for my own love life, well its a confusing, dishonest mess at the moment and unfortunetly I am the only one who knows the predicament that I'm in. I'll explain later.

My first point of call after settling in at Beau's place was to find myself a job. I had applied for the police force not long before graduating and they had contacted me requesting an interview for this week.

So I got myself cleaned up...

and headed downtown for my interview.

The interview went well and I was told that I would get a letter soon notifying me of the outcome. Fingers crossed it wouldn't take too long as I needed to buy some new clothes and give Beau some money for board.

But just as I was about to call for a taxi to pick me up, I ran into my younger brother Thomas. It was a surprise to see him. So far I had been keeping a low profile in Pleasantview due to my complicated love life but I guess I won't be able to hide forever.

Thomas and I share the same mother, but Thomas' dad is Daniel DeVille, the Chief of Staff at the local hospital. Again, another complicated story to be told at another time.

But unfortunetly, while we were crossing Main Square to go grab a coffee, Thomas's main rival, Sam DeVille, turns up and picks a fight. There was no holding Thomas back!

Sam DeVille, as you can guess by the name is Thomas' half brother. They share the same father. Confused yet? Well at least you are getting some idea about Daniel DeVille. He once was, and I still think is, the love of my mothers life.

Mortimer Goth, the wealthiest guy in town was there to witness this bad display in behaviour of my brother. Times like these, I'm pleased to share only half my genes with Sam.

And just went I thought everything had settled down, and that Thomas and I were finally going to get a coffee, someone I didn't expect to see walks past....


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