The Storms Obsession

This blog is a simple story about Dylan Broke and Lucy Burb from The Sims 2. I hope you enjoy.

Location: Australia

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Chapter 3 - DeVille's Everywhere!

Autumn DeVille, the blonde bombshell of Pleasantview walks past the square as if in a daydream, not paying her surrounds any bit of attention.

I have always had a soft spot for Autumn (you can probably see why *wink) so I call out to her but she doesn't seem to hear me. I quickly walk over to her before she leaves the carpark to round the corner of Police Headquaters.

But it seems like she doesn't want to know me. Whats going on?? Does she think me someone else?

Finally she comes round, recognises that its just me, Dylan, and then starts talking like nothing weird just happened. Seems like I am going to have to blow my cover if I want to find out whats been happening in this town while I've been away.

We chat like old friends for abit then I call to catch a cab back to Beau's place. I tell Thomas that I'll phone him later.

Let me tell you all about Autumn DeVille, its one hell of a story.


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