The Storms Obsession

This blog is a simple story about Dylan Broke and Lucy Burb from The Sims 2. I hope you enjoy.

Location: Australia

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Chapter 6 - The Secret

So I'm finally home. The house still looks the same even though I am now seeing it through adult eyes. My younger brother Matthew decided to come home with me on the same bus but doubts that he will stay in Pleasantview long.

But where are mum and dad? For sure I thought that they'd be rushing to see us. Maybe they haven't heard the van that we hired to take us home from the Pleasantview bus depot.

Ahhh!! There mum is! Of course baby Matthew gets the first hug. Ugh. Annoying! This has been happening all my life.

Then dad appears and there are lots of congratulations going around. Yeah yeah mum and dad. Its not as if you weren't there for our graduations!

After all the fuss all I wanted to do was get changed into something more comfortable and call the boy of my dreams, my possible future husband, Dylan Broke.

Denim shorts and singlet top will do. I feel buggered after the long bus ride. Now, where's my mobile?

What? You're busy? Dylan, I haven't see you for ages! Ok, I know. Work committments and all. Pleeeease ring me when you're free? I can only handle mum and dad for so long! Rescue me!

Disappointed I hang up and decided to chill out in my bedroom. My room still looks the same from when I was a kid, its relaxing.

Reading, I try to clear all thoughts of Dylan from my head. But thats hard when the guy only lives across the street! No, I won't be pathetic and go running over there. I won't!

What?? Who's that calling me? Sounds like Lilith Pleasant, my cousin!!!!

Wow!! Its so cool to see her after all this time! Lilith wasn't interested in uni. She decided to stay at home and work at the local grocer. Not an ambitious girl by any means and certainly not my idea of fun, thats for sure. Mum and dad aren't that keen on Lilith and they have been acting a little weird too whenever I mention Dylan. Why is mum watching us? Whats going on?

Lilith is the town gossip so at least I can catch up on the happenings in Pleasantview , if not from Dylan.

But just as she was about to tell me something about Nicole Mellon, Autumn DeVille's son Joshua's girlfriend - geez, what a mouthful, there is yelling and the smell of smoke coming from the kitchen!

OMG!!! Fire!!!!

Bloody Matthew!! That boy could never cook!!

Afert all the drama I say a quick goodbye to Lilith and promise to catchup with her tomorrow and help Matt and Dad clean up. Guess I'll get the rest of the goss from Lilith tomorrow.

A long hot shower and then into bed - thankfully I'm too tired for thoughts of Dylan as I drift off to sleep.


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