The Storms Obsession

This blog is a simple story about Dylan Broke and Lucy Burb from The Sims 2. I hope you enjoy.

Location: Australia

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Chapter 11 - The Calm before the Storm

Sitting down inside Claire tells me what she saw. I am thankful that she doesn't judge me, well, at least not to my face, and we talk about how I should handle this with Lucy. Claire is offering good advice....

...when my mobile rings and I just about leap 100 feet into the air, paranoid that its Lucy.

I am reluctant to answer my phone....

Phew! Thank god for that. Its just Angel, a friend from uni wanting to catch up. We talk for a minute, I promise to ring her in a few days and then I hang up.

I notice that some one has brought in the flowers from Nicole. I walk over to read the card and smell their fragrance, all the while thinking about Lucy and my predicament.

Pulling up a dining chair, I sigh heavily and resign myself to the fact that I have likely lost Lucy forever. I feel a huge sense of loss and that surprises me. For all the feelings that I have for Nicole, I can't help but notice the fleeting feeling of have I done the right thing?

And then the phone rings again! My god, I'm leaping at shadows here!

But its for Claire and I am suddenly relieved again. Man, this rollercoaster of emotions is going to take a toll on me, age me 100 years, so I decide to see Lucy right away. No time like the present right?

While Beau and Claire are occupied, I sneak off before they can ask me any questions.

Its time for me to face my demons, and Lucy.

Wish me luck.


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