The Storms Obsession

This blog is a simple story about Dylan Broke and Lucy Burb from The Sims 2. I hope you enjoy.

Location: Australia

Monday, July 24, 2006

Chapter 14 - The Aftermath According to Lucy (WARNING Some Nudity)

After Dylan left I just felt stunned. After hearing his footsteps leave the driveway, I just collasped onto the lounge and stared into space for what seemed like hours. My brother Matthew must have heard every word Dyland and I said as he was still in his bedroom and obviously not coming out. I don't blame him.

What went through my head during that time on the lounge I don't know. All I know is that I decided to pick up what was left of my heart and self esteem and carry on with life.

A warm hot bath was a good place to start.

Adding some lavender salts and a drop of bath oil, I can feel the fragrant steam immediatley start to relax my tense muscles.

I was thankful for the quiet household too. Mum and dad at work and Matthew in his room listening to his MP3 player. Lovely silence - peace.

Soaking away in the tub, relaxing, I suddenly remember the party tonight. How could I have forgotten?? Well, easily under the circumstances I guess.

My best friend is having a house warming party tonight as she had recently moved out of home for the first time. What was complicated now was that she was Dylan's half sister. Her mother is Brandy Broke and her father is Daniel DeVille. What a mess. Oh well. Dylan doesn't spend much time with his other siblings anyway as he doesn't like Daniel so fingers crossed that he won't be at the party tonight.

What I need now is some retail therapy and a dress for tonight. Apparently its a black tie affair.

Feeling refreshed and in a change of clothes, I head downtown to shop for a new dress for tonights party.

Thankyou mum for leaving the car. No stuffing around with taxi's.

Pulling out of the driveway, Lucy headed downtown to find a dress for tonights black tie party. She was determined to have a good time, Dylan or no Dylan.

I was in no mood to be cheap and given that it was getting late in the day, I decided to head straight to the best Boutique in town. Armed with mum's creditcard I decided to find the most beautiful dress they had. No way was Dylan going to make me be a wall flower.

Where to start? What colour do I want to wear? Oh man, this was going to be harder than I thought and the clock's ticking.

Searching through all the racks of clothing I finally settle on a long satin dress. The shop assistant mentions a shawl that would look really good with the dress and so after paying for the dress I have another quick look on the racks before leaving.

As I am just about to start looking through some items, when out of the corner of my eye I spy a figure that looks all too familiar.

Turning towards the approaching girl my fears are comfirmed. Its fucking Nicole.

And she's heading straight towards me. Oh great. Just fuckin great. Can this day get any worse??

Looking all dressed up like she's about to go out on a date, Nicole comes up to me and starts to talk to me like I'm still her good friend from uni days. I can't believe this?? Does she not know??

No way. No fuckin way. I can't do this. I can't play the good samaritan and so, as has been the trend today, I let her have it.

With hands on hips I start to yell at her but then almost as soon as I start, I stop. God, I am just so tired. I can't do this anymore. I just can't.

I walk off without looking back. I can hear Nicole call my name but nope, I ain't looking back. I just want to get the hell out of here and go home.

Ok Lucy I tell myself. Take a deep breath and calm down. Nicole and Dylan are not worth it. You are a better person than them. Just keep it together girl.

Realising the time, I head home to get ready for tonights party.

Pulling into the drive I can't help but notice Dylan's house. Afterall, he does only live just one door down the street. When will I stop noticing his house? When will I stop loving him? I wonder.

Standing at the end our drive, I stare wistfully at his house, thinking about what could have been. Is he home I wonder?

With a heavy heart I head inside to get ready for tonight. And tomorrow, well lets hope that tomorrow gets better. I guess it only can.


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